Why Do Diets Fail?

Do you ever wonder why diets fail?

Are you disappointed by the lack of results you have had from diets you have tried?

You are not alone!

Every year there are new promises of miracle diets or products that produce quick weight loss.

If diets were effective how is it that our obesity and overweight rates keep skyrocketing?
Those diets are programming you for failure and it is not your fault.

Let’s look at 5 ways that diets are failing you.

Your Survival Instinct

Your body is designed to conserve and store energy to keep you alive if you are ever faced with starvation.

This natural programming enables you to survive if you are ever faced with a famine.

This is unlikely to happen but it has happened 100’s of years ago.

On the contrary, we live in very different times.

Yet this natural programming has not gone away.

We face problems opposite to starvation: too much food, food cues everywhere, fast food on every corner.

Getting food doesn’t even require using any calories if you use a drive through or delivery services.

So hunger or starvation is not a problem for the vast majority of Americans.

Couple this with the fact that unless you lower carbs, fat or protein by the right percentage when trying to lose weight you will be plagued with cravings, and lose muscle which will result in a metabolism that is lower than before you started diet.

That is a perfect formula for weight gain and obesity.

You have an even bigger discreet enemy than your own body.

Addictive Food Chemicals

The food industry uses chemicals such as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is a cheap chemical which causes cravings so you eat more and more of their expensive junk foods.

HFCS causes your liver to increase triglycerides which then increases your body fat.

Another effect HFCS has is that it turns off your ability to feel full.

More cravings coupled with less fullness = eating more.

Overemphasis On Exercise

What is the first thing you do when you want to lose some weight?

If you are like most people you hit the gym or get out and pound the pavement and rack up the miles.

Let’s look at the reality of how effective that strategy really is.

The average American is carrying an extra 30 pounds.

To lose that extra weight it would take doing 90 minutes of exercise per day to get to a healthy weight and stay there.

More specifically: to burn one pound you would need to run or walk 33.8 miles.

How diets fail you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQQQMu4KiOE&feature=youtu.be

You would need to run 1040 miles or 40 marathons to lose all of those extra 30 pounds.

Most Diets Cause A Loss of Muscle

With most weight loss programs comes a loss of muscle.

Depending on the plan there can be anywhere between 25 to 50% muscle loss.

YES! That happens even when you exercise.

For every pound of muscle lost you burn 70 fewer calories. 

Therefore with a 5 pound loss of lean you need 350 fewer calories to maintain your weight.

That makes it harder to keep off the weight longterm.

The good news is that there is a safe way to lose that will protect your body from burning muscle.

Not Treating The Root Cause

To be successful at keeping weight off long term you must deal with the underlying habits that caused the weight gain in the first place.

That includes all of the hormonal influences created by the quality of your sleep, how well you manage your stress, and how well you stay hydrated among other factors.

To learn why you have hit a road block in getting to a healthier weight complete the weight loss scorecard by clicking below.